Meet Our Sponsors
Ways to Sponsor
Your sponsorship can support specific Seaside projects!
What program are you interested in sponsoring?
We take action through in-person and virtual scientific educational opportunities with hundreds of people annually to help create a sustainable and clean future.
$40,000 annually funds Seaside staff and all project equipment: Seaside leads over 1500 local/in-person connections with students of all ages, families, community members, scientists and law makers in managing 12 marine science data driven scientific projects with data collection/analysis scientific reporting around the north of Boston.
Seaside strives to promote clean waterways and oceans by leading communities in dozens of coastal cleanups to remove thousands of pounds of marine debris that has washed ashore.
$20,000 annually funds Seaside staff and all materials: Our team convenes hundreds of like-minded people interested in engaging in a rewarding and beneficial activity getting out on our coastlines and picking up tons of marine debris.
Improve water-based ecosystems through the use of the fun, effective and engaging Blue Technologies PixieDrone and BeBot, to raise awareness and inspire local residents to prevent debris from entering local waterways.
$50,000 annually funds Seaside staff and all materials used to bring these technologies to New England communities: Clean Coast Coalition’s goal is to improve local water-based ecosystems through the use of the PixieDrone and the BeBot in order to reduce the amount of harmful debris in local waters and educate the greater community about the dangers of litter and marine debris in their environment.
Our award-winning project-based learning curriculum is built on the foundations of project management, leadership, and sustainability where students undertake a hands-on project with real-world outcomes that directly benefit schools, districts and/or communities.
$38,000 funds launching Green Scholars with everything in a video-based platform: We have been working hard to completely develop and launch this nationally award winning project based learning in sustainability curriculum on a virtual video-based platform created for middle and high school students and busy educators at the forefront.
A supplemental guide to the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management’s Clean Marina Guide for individual boaters to make environmentally friendly decisions when operating their vessels.
$13,000 fully funds completing the Clean & Green Boaters Guide: After individual boat ownership almost doubled in recent years, seaside has been creating this supplemental guide to be used as an easy to find resource for individual boaters to make environmentally friendly decisions when operating their vessels, as well as making it more accessible to a variety of people.
We strive to create an internship program that is hands-down one of the best in the world. Our internships allow for personal engagement with hands-on and exploratory work, which makes the Seaside Sustainability experience incredibly rewarding.
$28,000 annually funds professionally training and managing 350+ interns from around the globe in leadership and intensive skill development: Our highly sought after internship program is accredited in over 1450 colleges and universities from around the globe and welcomes all members of the community to help lead others build and nurture a relationship with their environment and seascapes.
Seaside’s enthusiastic volunteer Advisory Team members work directly with our Executive Director, to further advance the organization’s goals of protecting our oceans and communities.
$14,000 annually funds Seaside staff to manage our Advisor Program: Seaside’s Community Advisory Program further advances the organization’s goals with enthusiastic professional volunteers to use their leadership skills to lead an international internship program creating meaningful environmental change.
Seaside’s extensive virtual and in-person volunteer program spans the globe engaging like-minded people of all ages eager to give back to the world in all the different ways they are able.
$14,000 annually funds Seaside staff to manage our Volunteer Program: Seaside receives over 150 volunteer applications annually and we struggle to effectively manage this huge number of volunteers interested in engaging in “sustained” not just one day environmental stewardship both in-person and virtually.

In-Person Scientific Research
Improve water-based ecosystems through the use of the fun, effective and engaging Blue Technologies PixieDrone and BeBot, to raise awareness and inspire local residents to prevent debris from entering local waterways.
Ways to Sponsor
Seaside's Impact
Enriching lives, driving sustainable change, and fostering community resilience through our impactful initiatives, as an environmental NGO committed to promoting sustainability for a greener and more resilient tomorrow.
Interns and advisors annually
Blue Technologies sold
Legislative bills supported
Industry Advisors in our Advisors Program
Over 9,000
Volunteer hours annually
Green Scholars (educators trained)
Blogs written annually
4,200 lbs
Trash collected annually
Published editorials
13 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)
Addressed through Seaside programs
International universities where internship is accredited
Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Eric Mager
Students of all ages



Politicians and Law makers




General Public

Media, Marketing, and PR
Monthly Seaside & Climate Newsletters
7000 people subscribed
Unique website visitors
7000 people subscribed
Seaside is passionate about ocean conservation and education; this curriculum educates students about marine debris, plastic use in our society, and how take actionable steps in their community and lives inspiring people of all ages.
$18,500 fully funds finishing writing, editing launching, and marketing Reclaiming the Sea from Marine Debris: Seaside is creating this three-part interactive curriculum dedicated to the awareness and mitigation of marine debris. It is being developed to inform and educate participants about the effects of marine debris and plastics.
Seaside is passionate about ocean conservation and education; this curriculum educates students about marine debris, plastic use in our society, and how take actionable steps in their community and lives inspiring people of all ages.
$18,500 fully funds finishing writing, editing launching, and marketing Reclaiming the Sea from Marine Debris: Seaside is creating this three-part interactive curriculum dedicated to the awareness and mitigation of marine debris. It is being developed to inform and educate participants about the effects of marine debris and plastics.
Interns and advisors annually
Blue Technologies sold
Legislative bills supported
Industry Advisors in our Advisors Program
Blogs written annually
4,200 lbs
Trash collected annually
Published editorials
13 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)
Addressed through Seaside programs
Over 9,000
Volunteer hours annually
Green Scholars (educators trained)
International universities where internship is accredited
Interns and Advisors annually
Between our professional international internship & advisor programs, we attract thousands of applicants annually
Over 90,000
Volunteer hours annually
4,200 lbs
Trash collected annually
Combining seasonal operation of our Seabins and coastal cleanups, Seaside removes well over two tons annually
Green Scholars (educators trained)
Legislative bills supported
13 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)
Addressed through Seaside programs
Industry Advisors in our Advisors program
International universities accredited
Sponsor Testimonial
Combined Change Family Foundation has selected ‘Seaside Sustainability’ for its outstanding commitment to making our planet a better place to live.
Media, Marketing, and PR
Monthly Seaside & Climate Newsletters
14,000 people subscribed
Social media presence
Unique website visitors annually
Media, Marketing, and PR
Monthly Seaside & Climate Newsletters
7000 people subscribed
Monthly Seaside & Climate Newsletters
14,000 people subscribed
Unique website visitors annually
Social media presence
7000 people subscribed
Media, Marketing, and PR
Monthly Seaside & Climate Newsletters
14,000 people subscribed
Social media presence
Unique website visitors annually
Announce our sponsorship
Seaside will create a sponsor board graphic and announce our new partnership through press release, social media, newsletters, video, etc.
Share sponsorship on Seaside’s monthly newsletter
Our monthly newsletter with a growing audience of over 7000, is our most effective method of sharing how Seaside impacts our world
Share sponsorship across all social media platforms
Record a podcast interviewing sponsor
Recirculate sponsors' content
Seaside can recirculate our sponsors’ blogs, social media, newsletter links, ec to our audience
Create media opportunities for sponsors
Provide opportunities for sampling of the sponsor’s product(s) and allow sponsors to set up a booth or to display promotional information
Share sponsorship on Seaside’s Climate Change monthly newsletter
Our monthly Climate Change “C-Change” newsletter has a growing audience of over 7000; it concentrates on our environment and to increase stewardship, education, and action
Provide merchandise/apparel co-branding opportunities
Create a co-branded promotional video
Using AI and real video, Seaside collaborates with our sponsor to create a video highlighting our sponsorship and/or a wrap up video or thank you video that showcases our sponsor
Blue Technology deployment visibility
Engage with sponsor’s employees at exclusive in-person program
Hold Seaside in-person exclusive sponsor opportunities and conduct in-person research science exploration (wearing co-branded merch - may include volunteering at community & company coastal cleanups)
Sponsor Seaside’s curriculum
Seaside has two significant curricula based in sustainability and environmental stewardship available for sponsorship
Recognize sponsorship at events
Seaside can promote the importance of our sponsor’s role in making the event a success; provide the opportunity to supply products/samples in swag bags; put logos on event website and promotions; include sponsor information in speaker handout package; and write a follow-up event blog featuring our sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits
Below are numerous benefits sponsors can enjoy by partnering with Seaside Sustainability
Want to Become a Sponsor?
Blog sharing sponsorship
Visibility on social media platforms
Prominent Seaside monthly newsletter visibility
Prominent C-Change monthly newsletter visibility
Co-branded promotional video
Announcing sponsorship at events
Merchandise co-branding opportunities
Volunteer and company coastal cleanups visibility
Blue Technology deployment visibility
Sponsorship Benefits

In-Person Scientific Research
Improve water-based ecosystems through the use of the fun, effective and engaging Blue Technologies PixieDrone and BeBot, to raise awareness and inspire local residents to prevent debris from entering local waterways.
Ways to Sponsor

In-Person Scientific Research
Improve water-based ecosystems through the use of the fun, effective and engaging Blue Technologies PixieDrone and BeBot, to raise awareness and inspire local residents to prevent debris from entering local waterways.
Ways to Sponsor
We take action through in-person and virtual scientific educational opportunities with hundreds of people annually to help create a sustainable and clean future.
$40,000 annually funds Seaside staff and all project equipment: Seaside leads over 1500 local/in-person connections with students of all ages, families, community members, scientists and law makers in managing 12 marine science data driven scientific projects with data collection/analysis scientific reporting around the north of Boston.
Seaside strives to promote clean waterways and oceans by leading communities in dozens of coastal cleanups to remove thousands of pounds of marine debris that has washed ashore.
$20,000 annually funds Seaside staff and all materials: Our team convenes hundreds of like-minded people interested in engaging in a rewarding and beneficial activity getting out on our coastlines and picking up tons of marine debris.
Improve water-based ecosystems through the use of the fun, effective and engaging Blue Technologies PixieDrone and BeBot, to raise awareness and inspire local residents to prevent debris from entering local waterways.
$50,000 annually funds Seaside staff and all materials used to bring these technologies to New England communities: Clean Coast Coalition’s goal is to improve local water-based ecosystems through the use of the PixieDrone and the BeBot in order to reduce the amount of harmful debris in local waters and educate the greater community about the dangers of litter and marine debris in their environment.
Our award-winning project-based learning curriculum is built on the foundations of project management, leadership, and sustainability where students undertake a hands-on project with real-world outcomes that directly benefit schools, districts and/or communities.
$38,000 funds launching Green Scholars with everything in a video-based platform: We have been working hard to completely develop and launch this nationally award winning project based learning in sustainability curriculum on a virtual video-based platform created for middle and high school students and busy educators at the forefront.
A supplemental guide to the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management’s Clean Marina Guide for individual boaters to make environmentally friendly decisions when operating their vessels.
$13,000 fully funds completing the Clean & Green Boaters Guide: After individual boat ownership almost doubled in recent years, seaside has been creating this supplemental guide to be used as an easy to find resource for individual boaters to make environmentally friendly decisions when operating their vessels, as well as making it more accessible to a variety of people.
We strive to create an internship program that is hands-down one of the best in the world. Our internships allow for personal engagement with hands-on and exploratory work, which makes the Seaside Sustainability experience incredibly rewarding.
$28,000 annually funds professionally training and managing 350+ interns from around the globe in leadership and intensive skill development: Our highly sought after internship program is accredited in over 1450 colleges and universities from around the globe and welcomes all members of the community to help lead others build and nurture a relationship with their environment and seascapes.
Seaside’s enthusiastic volunteer Advisory Team members work directly with our Executive Director, to further advance the organization’s goals of protecting our oceans and communities.
$14,000 annually funds Seaside staff to manage our Advisor Program: Seaside’s Community Advisory Program further advances the organization’s goals with enthusiastic professional volunteers to use their leadership skills to lead an international internship program creating meaningful environmental change.
Seaside’s extensive virtual and in-person volunteer program spans the globe engaging like-minded people of all ages eager to give back to the world in all the different ways they are able.
$14,000 annually funds Seaside staff to manage our Volunteer Program: Seaside receives over 150 volunteer applications annually and we struggle to effectively manage this huge number of volunteers interested in engaging in “sustained” not just one day environmental stewardship both in-person and virtually.
Announce our sponsorship
Seaside will create a sponsor board graphic and announce our new partnership through press release, social media, newsletters, video, etc.
Share sponsorship on Seaside’s monthly newsletter
Our monthly newsletter with a growing audience of over 7000, is our most effective method of sharing how Seaside impacts our world
Share sponsorship across all social media platforms
Record a podcast interviewing sponsor
Recirculate sponsors' content
Seaside can recirculate our sponsors’ blogs, social media, newsletter links, ec to our audience
Create media opportunities for sponsors
Provide opportunities for sampling of the sponsor’s product(s) and allow sponsors to set up a booth or to display promotional information
Share sponsorship on Seaside’s Climate Change monthly newsletter
Our monthly Climate Change “C-Change” newsletter has a growing audience of over 7000; it concentrates on our environment and to increase stewardship, education, and action
Provide merchandise/apparel co-branding opportunities
Create a co-branded promotional video
Using AI and real video, Seaside collaborates with our sponsor to create a video highlighting our sponsorship and/or a wrap up video or thank you video that showcases our sponsor
Blue Technology deployment visibility
Engage with sponsor’s employees at exclusive in-person program
Hold Seaside in-person exclusive sponsor opportunities and conduct in-person research science exploration (wearing co-branded merch - may include volunteering at community & company coastal cleanups)
Sponsor Seaside’s curriculum
Seaside has two significant curricula based in sustainability and environmental stewardship available for sponsorship
Recognize sponsorship at events
Seaside can promote the importance of our sponsor’s role in making the event a success; provide the opportunity to supply products/samples in swag bags; put logos on event website and promotions; include sponsor information in speaker handout package; and write a follow-up event blog featuring our sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits
Below are numerous benefits sponsors can enjoy by partnering with Seaside Sustainability