Written by: Grace Girzadas
Seaside Sustainability is excited to launch the 2020 Giving Tuesday Campaign! Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity to help support nonprofit and charitable organizations ahead of the holiday season. This year, Giving Tuesday will take place on December 1st.

Giving Tuesday was launched in 2012 as a means of encouraging people to celebrate kindness and generosity. Currently, there are over 70 countries participating worldwide. In the United States alone, 2019 Giving Tuesday raised $1,970,000,000 online and off for organizations and communities. The movement is a meaningful way to show support for the people and initiatives that you value - and make a difference in your own community and world.
A donation to Seaside Sustainability will help to fund both current and future initiatives, and help allow the organization to grow. Current projects include blue technology initiatives, environmental artwork, beach and waterway cleanup days, and advocacy. With your support, Seaside Sustainability can continue to grow and expand our impact.
Please consider donating to Seaside Sustainability this holiday season to support the wonderful projects and initiatives that are helping to better our planet and communities.
Donate to Seaside Sustainability here: https://www.seasidesustainability.org/givingtuesday